Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Example -

Mikey had no buddies to practice baseball with the other day and so I suggested he take Joey out in the backyard and teach him how to play ball. He lovingly accepted the invitation. I can not explain the sweet feeling I had as I watched a 9 year old boy gently explain the process of pitching to his 4 year old brother. Photo's do no capture it adequately. The best moment was watching Joey burst into the living room and show me his new founded skill that his awesome older brother taught him. Today is one of those days I just LOVE being a mom...


The HousewifeTravels said...

Wish my kids could have more moments like that. Any suggestions?

Jess said...

How sweet is this.

That Mikey has the biggest heart.

The Downey Family said...

What a precious moment. And it is so true that the happiest times as a mother is hearing your kids enjoying time together.

Chanelle said...

Oh that's so are the new pictures of the kids. I love it!