Sunday, April 26, 2009

stuck in the road...

Yesterday I had the funnest time getting stuck in the middle of the road with two friends, Stephanie & Chelle, from my neighborhood. We were almost home when all of a sudden my girlfriends truck got funky and stopped driving! We were all freakin out until we realized it was just out of gas! Luckily it was right in the middle of the intersection so LOTS of people got to drive by and wonder what in the heck we were doing. Somebody pulled up behind us wanting to turn, yet we weren't going anywhere. He finally honked, we still didn't move, so then he pulled up next to us to see what was going on. We told him we were just out of gas and he asked "Is it a diesel?!" and she replyed "Yes!" - then he said "Ewwww..." and nicely drove away! Apparently diesels are impossible to push when they are out of gas!

We all called our husband's to come to our rescue and as we waited a neighbor driving by pulled up behind us to see how he could help. Then another neighbor drove up and parked in the rode and ran to help us! After one of our husbands got there they were finally able to push it to the gas station. The problem was the power steering was out so it took all three of us girls to turn the wheel! We were laughing so hard by the time we got to the gas stall my side hurt!

Anyway, in high school that was one of my worst fears, yet as I am older it turned out to be a hilarious, moment...who knew breaking down would be so fun with friends - sure makes life better to just laugh!

1 comment:

Jess said...

I felt the same way in High school and lately I have ran out of gas twice with Isaac and met the kindest people to help me out.