Thursday, June 25, 2009

They love this guy...

Mike spends so much time with our boys it is no surprise that they adore him so much. He really is their hero. Father's Day we woke up to little voices downstairs letting us know that Dad was not allowed downstairs. We waited for a bit and finally he was permitted to come. Whatever it was I knew I needed the camera. We come to find all of these little arrows around every corner with messages leading Mike to his treasure (we are infatuated with "treasure hunts" and if FHE doesn't end in one we have tears). It was absolutely one of the sweetest things I have ever seen my boys do, and they even let Joey help. It pays to be an awesome Dad, even if its in homemade arrows and brightly colored notes in your treasure box...

My heart melted reading these letters...

Mikey slaved all morning to make this robot and before Mike left for work he helped Mikey with the finishing touches. Now it sits next to all the trophies in his bedroom, just like one.


The Boyacks said...

What awesome boys! That was the sweetest note from Dallin. Thanks for sharing.

The HousewifeTravels said...

He is a great dad. I had the funniest thought when I saw that pic of Mike helping Mikey...Mike has to wear suits to work! Seriously, the only time you see a suit at work here is if your're from D.C. or interviewing for a job. I never stopped to think that some people have to wear suits year round. He must be hating the summers.