A few days ago a friend called me needing an idea about something with her house. We chatted it over and I told her of a couple of friends who were better at that kind of thing than I was. Just as we were about to hang up a completely different buddy popped into my mind and I remembered that her sister was a professional on this exact subject. Quickly I shot her name out and my friend loved it. I made a few quick phone calls and that was that. Two days later I got a message on my cell phone from the sister of my friend, telling me how grateful she was for the referal and it came at a most needed moment. She new it was such a blessing for her. What if I had not acted? She would have survived I am sure, but the blessing of the referral would have been lost.
Secondly, and more closer to my heart, was something that happened with my little 3 year old a chunk of weeks ago. I was swimming at a buddy's house with my kids and my two littlest kidlets were in the small waiting pool with me. This connects to the big pool by a large step. As we played, I asked Joey to move his food away from the pool and then started to giggle with Karly. A few moments later a firm impression came to my mind, "WHERE'S JOEY." It wasn't loud or abrupt, just firm. I would have second guessed it because I knew he was right behind me putting his food away, but it came so out of the blue I immediately acted. I shot up to my feet to make a full scan of the pool - nothing. I looked all around me and then once again in the pool. To my absolute horror, I saw a little boy kicking his heart out at the bottom of the shallow end of the pool, only about 7 feet from where I was. His big brother heard my shout and reached over to grab him just as I jumped in to grab his body. I was completely in shock as I sat on the side and held my crying boy. My heart was so broken because how could I not see that?! I was facing the step the whole time, but he must have passed my glance as I laughed with Karly. Words can not express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for knowing where my child was even when I didn't, and prompting my heart to move when I needed too.
So, those little thoughts, those soft impressions, they are something to listen too and lately I am learning that first hand. Now I only wonder how many of these promptings I have passed over, not knowing the outcome they could bring. Makes me want to get better at listening...
Wow, Kel. Thanks for that post. We really are so blessed. I love this because this really is something I am focusing on as well, listening to the promptings I have. Lots of times we follow, then we wonder why we did that. At times we don't know why we were prompted to do things, but I think the important thing is that we followed! As we do that, we get better at picking up on those promptings and trusted with more inspiration. And we are so grateful especially when the promptings involve life and death like that! I'm so glad we have that gift! So glad your Joey is fine! I will think of you when I get those seemingly 'small, inconsequential' thoughts and I will follow through!
That's funny, I was going to say, "Wow, Kel."
I am very happy to hear that little Joey is ok. That made my heart race.
He is very lucky to have such a great mom who is striving to feel the Holy Ghost!
Your post was very inspiring!
I think that is a great reminder for us all to be more aware and listen to all the promptings we receive. I am glad all is well and that Joey has a wonderful Mommy who listens to the spirit! We love you guys.
Thanks for writing this post, Kelly. What a good reminder about listening to even the simple and small impressions. I am soooooo glad you acted on the thought about Joey! That made me gasp. I believe in those impressions, and I believe that angels help us young moms with our little ones.
Thanks for posting about your experiences with listening. I too am trying to be a better listener to the Holy Ghost! You are an amazing person!
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