We really enjoyed all the diverse people we got to meet as we traveled. A young man we met from Africa who currently just moved to DC from his family kindly helped us as we searched for the right bus to transfer too. As we visited he commented how "fast" we grow up in the states. Really made us stop and think "why?" do we do this to ourselves? Secondly was one of our taxi drivers. She was from Ethiopia and had won the Lottery Green Card with her two daughters who were in high school at the time. I asked her if they were scared to move so far and she said replied yes, but they knew it would be worth it. Another deep moment for us to think about how lucky we are to be here in Freedom and Liberty.
This brings me to our final experiences that affected us so much. In the last 24 hours of the trip we visited Thomas Jefferson's Memorial, Abraham Lincoln's Memorial, WWII Memorial and the Arlington Cemetery as we witnessed the changing of the guards. This is a must see for anyone going there. We learned the guards are so specifically trained for this honor requiring deep study of our country's patriotism and codes of complete silence for 3 weeks. They were absolutely perfect as they guarded the TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER. We left so affected by the thousands of thousands of grave sites spread through this sacred site.
Amazingly, as we stepped off the plane in Salt Lake, we were greeted by BACA Bikers holding flags, cameraman and a dozen soldiers in line. We waited for a moment to watch clearly the approaching soldier returning home. My eyes filled with tears as I heard a strong shout out and salute for this man as he came down the stairs with his wife and family, greeted by not only loved ones but many strangers just like us who were so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful moment.
Regardless if we all agree with our countries politics or not, none of us can deny the special blessing that is ours to live here in a place where thousands have suffered deep hardships beyond most of our minds abilities to imagine, even giving up their precious lives and leaving dear ones behind, so we can worship how, when, and where we may. This gift is all of ours to cherish every day and our trip to DC this week really helped us to better remember it.
What a change for you to only think about YOURSELF.... you desirve every moment! What an amazing trip! I have heard that the changing of the gaurds is a site to see!! I love the pics!
Sounds like you guys had a great trip. Too fun!
Thanks Kel...so true, we doing live in great country and are so blessed!
What a wonderful and memorable trip! Thanks for sharing!
I am so jealous! Lane and I want to visit DC in the next couple of years. I haven't been there since I was about 3, so of course I don't remember much. I'm glad you got to have a vacation just you and Mike!
That's our temple! That's where we got married! I am so jealous. I'm glad that you finally got some time just for you. I have witnessed the changing of the guards also and it is an amazing experience that I will never forget and I was only 17. We are a very blessed people. Thanks for the reminder.
We had such a fun time hanging out with you guys this weekend! Thanks for letting us tag along...
I'll send you the pics of you guys that we took on our camera. Good luck readjusting to life with kids!
Sounds like you had a great trip. Glad that you were able to get away.
Wow..10 years! Where does the time go??? You guys are so awesome. I'm so glad you had alone time. Isn't that funny. Every mom's perfect vaction probably includes some alone time :)
So glad you guys enjoyed it! Nothing like alone time! I have been craving the East Coast lately. I am just not sure I can wait 2 more years for our "10 year trip" :) We may jump the gun and skip off to Mexico before we even make it to 10! We have to dodge being pregnant or nursing so we just gotta go when we can. You know all about that. Anywho, looks like fun, so glad for you!
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