Sunday, August 23, 2009

Childhood buddies-

Sometimes all you need is to visit with an old childhood buddy who seems to know all about you even though you aren't neighbors anymore. You don't even really have to know the details of each others lives because you know the core about that person. So when you do get together it all just seems to fall into place and you don't have to do alot of explaining or preparing. You are who you are and who you have always been with that person - and that is a child hood friend. Comfortable. Easy. Unsuperficial. For Real. Dedicated. Simple. Fun.

Thanks Angie for the wonderful visit. I needed that.


Chelle said...

Good 'ole childhood friends are the best! Good for you for keeping in touch. I love the pitures of Karly making her own creation in the bathroom! Sad that the summer is coming to an end:(

Chelle said...

Old friends are the best! Good for you for keeping in touch. Love the pics of Karly in the bathroom. Sad the summer is coming to and end:(

The HousewifeTravels said...

How are Angie and Brett? You guys are too cute.