Friday, November 12, 2010

Good Luck Mikey!

Mikey just loves football and in turn our whole family loves it now. His team is in the play-offs tomorrow for the League Championship...he is so excited.

I just love this kid because he is so humble and kind, even when he plays football. He will attack like no other and tackle kids bigger than him to the ground, but then immediately reach out his hand to help them up. I couldn't have asked for better first son...he is an example to his brothers and I am so grateful for him. Good tomorrow my little buddy...


Jess said...

How did he do? I love looking at your blog it keeps me updated. I hope we can get together soon.

Julie Moore said...

Your Christmas card is ADORABLE!!
You need to get your gorgeous self on facebook so I can post messages to you there instead on a Blog football post from November (which is awesome, BTW)! Love your guts!